Good Food East Sussex is a network of hundreds of local groups and people who want to see a more local food system, that works for our people, our economy and our environment

Welcome to the latest Good Food East Sussex newsletter – just in time for Good Food East Sussex Month 2024!

In this latest issue, you can read:

  • about all the great events that will be taking place this month;
  • the latest news from the East Sussex Food Partnerships;
  • an update on available funding opportunities;
  • and finally some links to other key players in the food movement, for a broader perspective and the latest national news and developments.

Get involved this October!

For the second year, East Sussex is celebrating its very own food month and everyone is invited!

During October communities will be coming together to hold dozens of events across the county to raise awareness of a wide range of issues, from food waste to food insecurity.

In addition to apple tasting, harvest festivals, seed exchanges and food growing activities, some key events hosted by the Food Partnerships taking place during the month include:

Eastbourne Food Summit – 4th October

Eastbourne Food Partnership CIC will spotlight sustainable food practices and highlight innovative projects across the local food network. Special guests include Philip Lymbery (CEO of Compassion in World Farming), Andrew Forsey OBE (National Director of Feeding Britain), and Eastbourne MP Josh Babarinde OBE.

Lewes District Food and Climate Summit – 9th October

Lewes District Food Partnership and Ouse Valley Climate Action are hosting a day of climate and food action and celebration. at Denton Island Community Centre

Hastings Food Network – 16th October

Hastings Voluntary Action are hosting a collaboration of food organisations across the Hastings & St Leonards area

Rother Voluntary Action AGM and Autumn Connections – 18th October

Rother Food Partnerships host organisation Rother Voluntary Action’s Autumn Connections Community Network event includes community compost solutions in the marketplace and a presentation on the work of Tilling Green Community Project.

Good Food East Sussex Buyers and Supplies Event – 21st October

Wealden Food Partnership are connecting our local East Sussex food growers, farmers and producers with local buyers such as shops, caterers and restaurants to support shorter routes to market.

The full programme of events being hosted by a range of community organisations and further details of the above events can be found at on the Good Food East Sussex website.

We will be updating the event page throughout the month, if you would like to add an event you are hosting please contact

It’s really exciting to bring Good Food East Sussex Month back for a second year, to highlight the wealth of work happening across the county to support the Good Food movement. Please do share with your colleagues, friends and family.

Latest Food Partnership News

Eastbourne Food Partnership has been able to provide funding to the Seaside Community Hub, a crucial component of the Eastbourne food support network. With the allocated funding, Seaside Community Hub can continue to support the local community in tackling food insecurity and offering key services to its users.

Lewes District Food Partnership has secured £100,000 grant to support people on low incomes in Lewes District to have a key role in a new project to combat financial hardship. The two-year Pinch Points initiative, funded by Lloyds Bank Foundation, will improve systems of support, advice, and guidance by putting residents’ experiences at the heart of policy making. It draws upon the success of Feeling the Pinch, an innovative participatory project that took place in 2023. The project was designed to give people from Lewes District the opportunity to share their experiences of the cost-of-living crisis.

Hastings Food Network are pleased to be supporting the pilot of a new food access project in Farley Bank Community to help those most in need. With funding from Feeding Britain and working in partnership with Warming Up The Homeless this short term project will launch on Friday 25th October. If you are working with someone in Farley Bank and would like to make a referral please contact or call 07831 869599. Over the next few months we will also be working with residents and other organisations in the Baird ward to develop longer term plans to help alleviate food insecurity in the area. If you are interested in being part of these conversations please contact

Rother Food Partnership aims to brings together people, communities, and organisations to create healthy and sustainable local food systems that benefit the wellbeing of all. If you would like to join the newly developing Rother Food Partnership please register your interest here.

Wealden Food Partnership has launched it’s new website, to help support building a better local food system. The website will make it even easier to stay up to date with all the latest food related news in Wealden – such as the launch of the new ‘Support through Community Food’ Network in September. If you are delivering a community food related project in Wealden District and would like to join the network please contact

Funding Opportunities and Training

East Sussex Council’s funding news Funding News – monthly updates on sources of funding | East Sussex County Council is a great place to find the latest funding opportunities, support and advice.

Notable funding opportunities currently available include:

Changing Chalk Community Grants – up to £7,500 for community projects, apply any

South Downs National Park’s Outdoor Learning Grant – up to £750 for school transport
costs of educational trip, apply any time

Veolia Environmental Trust – community grants between £10,000 and £75.000 to improve community buildings/outdoor spaces, apply by 03/10/2024


The Linnean Society – grants of up to £1000 for youth led projects to increase access to natural spaces e.g. nature festival, community garden, community murals etc, apply by 25/10/2024

National Garden Scheme – Community Gardens Grants – between £1,000 and £5,000 for
community gardens, apply by 28/10/2024

Naturesave Trust – grants of up to £5000 for energy efficiency projects including cooking solutions: 31/10/2024

Home Instead – grants of up to £1,500 for projects enhancing lives of people over 55, apply by 31/10/2024

People’s Postcode Lottery – Schools Nature Grants Scheme – grants of up to £500 + support for schools, apply by 08/11/2024

Tree Council – Branching Out Fund – £250-£2500 for community groups, schools & small charities to establish trees, hedgerows and orchards – 01/12/2024

International Tree Foundation – UK Community Tree Planting Programme – funding up to 30 trees for community orchards, apply by 13/12/2024

Funding Opportunities and Training

Below are links for some important organisations in the food movement, many of which have their own regular newsletters that you can sign up to:

Sustain the alliance for better food and farming, leading on a wide range of projects.

The Soil Association a national charity supporting sustainable practices in horticulture
and farming, and more.

Feeding Britain a national charity working to eliminate hunger in the UK.